Sunday, May 15, 2011

What a great weekend!

Ok! I totally have to admit that it has been really weird to be on the computer daily and NOT be looking for a job. It is just crazy because that it what I have done since 12/27/10. This weekend has been so great that I am not looking to going to the daycare and dealing with the 2 yr olds tomorrow. It has just been a lot of fun to be around family and friends.

Friday I helped out with painting some posters for VBS and it was A LOT of fun. Larry, Cheryl, Karen and I could not stop laughing. Saturday was spent walking, running errands, sending Jon off to prom, and going to the Starlight Music Concert featuring Aeromyth! It was so great! It was not Aersomith but a great free alternative. Sunday started with another walk, yummy starbucks Coconut Mocha, Church, Freebirds with Andrew, Jess and Logan and then fun at the Pool, and then the church picnic; which was so much fun!!!

Logan was so adorable at the pool he kept telling me and Andrew to look at him and he LOVED LOVED LOVED the slide! He is just absolutely the cutest.

I did not make the best choices when it came to eating this weekend, but had 2 morning walks. Sybil and I are starting to walk in the mornings at 5am! We will see how this goes. This week I am going to follow my points to the T and get in atleast 1 walk a day! I want to feel very confident in my swimsuit and tanktops and fun summer clothes. I know that I can do this because God is totally all in this.

Well I am exhausted! Hope you all had a great weekend too!! TTYL!! PS we are headed to the beach in a few days. I know that we are just going to Galveston for the day but I LOVE THE BEACH! So I could care less! I cannot wait to hear the WAVES!!


  1. I'm so glad you posted on my blog! Our computer went down and I lost all of my favorite blogs when we got our new computer. Congrats on the new job and your weight loss! Miss you!

  2. When I get a better feel for my schedule I should have 1 or 2 days off during the week since I will be working weekends!! I really want to come see you and Elizabeth at some point this summer!!! She is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
